Or at least, "in SciFi class." And if no SciFi class, then here.
Good literature, television, and film can teach us. They can give us insight to human behavior, to the soul, or to what makes us tick. They can give us lessons on morality, friendship, and family. Plus, with science fiction, one can even delve into other issues or questions covertly, without malice, and ask 'What if?"
Which leads us to Firefly. It short fourteen episode run on Fox back in 2002 followed with it's solo movie Serenity, is but a piece of the 'verse that makes up the whole Serenity/Firefly universe of Joss Wedon.
As a teacher who was able to create and be given the privilege to a Science Fiction and Fantasy class. And to live with a brilliant wife who introduced me to the show late fall. I have found it fun as well as thought provoking, entertaining and hard hitting, and revolutionary and traditional. It is just a "big damn" show that was damn good.
I could go on about the cancellation, the resurgence of the movie, the huge fandom that still follows the show, but that would lead me away from my purpose: Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Firefly.
Thus, I will have a series of posts on this blog. It is a tribute to the show; it is a homage to good science fiction; it is a dedication to the characters and the actors; and it is a reason, as if needed, to watch the show again.
The format? We will see how it evolves.
The plan? I will watch episodes, find a quote, make some notes, share my thoughts. In turn, you, the reader, will comment or email me feedback or suggestions. I want to go in chronological order as I watch and share. As I do this, I will categorize the "lessons." Then, with blessings, I hope to compile the posts, feedback and comments into a fun fan book to sit on a coffee table and spread knowledge and generate more Brown Coats to fight the Alliance.
There will be other posts on the Geek O.G. I will tag the posts for this project "The 'Verse According to Firefly" or maybe, "The 'Verse." Hmm. Thoughts?
Yes. Thoughts. Feel free to comment to the posts or email me at surawordz@gmail.com. Just drop the word Firefly in the subject line so I know to give it priority.
What will keep this project in the air? "I think you know the answer being psychic and all."
An old geek's friends, family, and students of Science Fiction and Fantasy tavern and firepit to gather and share.
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"Everything I Need to Know in the 'Verse I Learned on Firefly"
Or at least, "in SciFi class." And if no SciFi class, then here. Good literature, television, and film can teach us. They can gi...
If we cannot laugh at ourselves... I am a fan on Monty Python and the Holy Grail and a fan of Star Trek. The creators of this little video...
"If you build it, he will come." Ray Kinsella looks about his cornfield for the source of the ghostly whisper. Angrily he stom...